14 November 2006

Odd mod...

You've seen them...we all have: some guy (being kind here), decides he needs a rear wing that looks like it's been fabricated from Boeing on the back of his 4-cylinder wannabe rice-rocket, in the hope that someday he'll make over 120mph in the city.

Today, i noticed someone who took a slightly different tack in modding his ride.


Years ago while working at a top-40 radio station, i took the station van to the post office to retrieve the mail. While there, i noticed a rival station had their Lincoln Town Car there too...complete with bull horns on the front of the hood like some rich Texan (they were, after all, a country station).

I had to chuckle when i saw that. (later, had to swallow that...when i wound up working for that same station!).

Today, noticed a new Chrysler PT Cruiser with...what could only be described as a rhino-horn on the hood.

Whoda thunk it?


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