13 May 2008

Living in the backlot of Hollywood...

Noticed today that someone had posted some old photos of an episode of "The Andy Griffith Show" taken while filming at Whiteman Airport.

During that production, one of the episodes - circa 1968 - involved the character Aunt Bee deciding to get her airplane pilot license.

According to IMDB, the episode originally aired in February of 1968, so the actual production was probably filmed in January.

These were posted on the bulletin board in the pilots lounge. Unfortunately, the original photographer declined to identify him/herself.
(my apologies in advance of posting someone elses' photos. If you'd care to identify yourself, i'd be happy to give photo credit where-credit-is-due).

Clearly shows the mountains north of runway 30, and the power station "four stacks" to the east of the airport.

What's interesting to note is the lack of development along San Fernando Rd., adjacent to the airport, the visible smog in 1968 in the background and the lack of an asphalt runway.


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